Don't Miss Our California Summit
We are excited to provide a forum to discuss the relationship between scheduling effectiveness, student progress, and completion. Student progress is a critical driver of college retention and completion rates, yet it is an area in which higher education continues to struggle. Specifically, course schedules are often a barrier — not a clear path — to timely completion.
Learn how institutions across California prioritize student progress in student success strategies, introduce flexibility into the schedule strategically and ensure financial sustainability through student-centered scheduling.
The cost to attend is $50. For schools that have 5 or more attendees please email Lucy McGilley at for a group discount. Finally, if you are interested in sharing your story let us know and you will receive a complimentary pass if selected.
If you register and need a hotel, information is below:
Link: Book your room here

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Registration isn't complete without payment. If you need to be invoiced please email Lucy McGilley at Invoiced registrants can close out of payment on next screen.
- 12:30 – 1:30pm: Registration
- 1:30 - 1:45pm: Opening Introduction
Allison Dean
Regional Vice President
Bea Rosales
Customer Success Lead - 1:45 – 2:45pm: San José State University Campus Story
Sami Monsur
Associate Vice President, Academic Business & Strategic Operations
Sarah Schraeder Cisneros
Academic Scheduling & Space Management
Understanding the need for campus involvement, SJSU launched its Academic Strategic Space, Scheduling, and Enrollment Team (ASSSET) to provide leadership and engagement around academic space, scheduling, and enrollment, three areas critical to student success at San José State University. This collaborative draws on the insights of experienced department chairs, schedulers, associate deans, and senior leaders across Academic Affairs as well as Student Affairs, FD&O, and IT. During this session, you’ll hear how SJSU and the ASSSET team have successfully launched Ad Astra. - 2:45 – 3:00pm: Break/Snack
- 3:00 – 3:30pm: Ad Astra Keynote & Roadmap
Charlie Stroble
Driector of Product Experience - 3:30 – 4:30pm: Intentional Design to Operationalize Student Success Initiatives
Sarah Collins
Ad Astra President
This session will focus on the importance of intentionality in design of pathways that create on and off ramps for students, and the infrastructure of the course schedule to clear barriers. We will discuss ways to operationalize strategies in support of Cal-GETC patterns, transfer pathways, workforce credentials, re-enrollment initiatives, etc., as lenses for pathway and curriculum redesign to support persistence and completion. - 5:00pm: Happy Hour & Networking
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Mezcal Restaurant
25 W San Fernando St
San Jose, CA 95113
(about a 5-minute walk from MLK Library)
- 8:00 – 9:00am: Breakfast
- 9:00 – 9:50am: Ad Astra Reporting (HESI & Benchmark Findings)
Lena Sweyko
Senior Data Analyst
During this session, we’ll review findings from Ad Astra’s 2024 Benchmark Report, an analysis of the relationship between scheduling effectiveness, student progress, and completion. We’ll also be reviewing key metrics from Ad Astra’s Benchmark of academic space utilization and course offerings, Higher Education Scheduling Index (HESI). - 10:00 – 10:50am: Student Centered & Data Informed Scheduling through Ad Astra
Allison Dean
Regional Vice President - 11:00 – 11:45am: Breakout Sessions (Classrooms 217 & 219)
Session 1: Astra Schedule to Essential Scheduling Migration
Bea Rosales
Client Success Lead
Everything you need to know about migrating from Astra Schedule to Ad Astra's new platform. Plus, you'll see how you can use Essential Scheduling to advance your academics, elevate your events and operate more efficient schedule foundations. All current Astra Schedule users should attend this session.
Session 2: Student Centered Reporting
Lena Sweyko
Senior Data Analyst
Want to learn how Ad Astra can provide data insights into your student population? Join us as we showcase the reports used to identify roadblocks and track progress for your students. Highlights include DFW reporting, Momentum Year reporting, and Degree Velocity. - 11:45am – 12:00pm: Break & Grab Lunch Before Next Session
- 12:00 – 12:50pm: Tracking Faculty Load & Capacity Planning within Ad Astra
Charlie Stroble
Director of Product Experience
Learn how Ad Astra can help your campus assign faculty to sections and meetings while gaining insight into overloaded schedules. During this session we’ll share how you can track program capacity through on-demand reports, anticipate faculty hiring needs in advance, and effectively manage the capacity of faculty and your programs. - 1:00 – 1:15pm: Closing Remarks