Ad Astra Completion Collaborators Webinar Series: Nuventive
July 25th, 2024, 2:00 PM EDT
Aligning Institutional Strategy and Demonstrating Evidence of Effectiveness
Ad Astra's Completion Collaborators Webinar Series is a sequence of interactive discussions showcasing industry partners who offer specialized solutions to enhance student retention and completion.
The second installment of this series highlights tracking evidence of effectiveness gleaned through the academic schedule as a strategy for student success, featuring our friends at Nuventive. We’ll demonstrate our approach to tracking and enhancing Degree Velocity, providing actionable data that accelerates student completions. Learn how longitudinal tracking of key metrics empowers presidents and senior leadership to gauge progress against strategic plans.
About Nuventive
Nuventive’s planning and improvement software helps higher education institutions use information to innovate and continuously advance their most pressing initiatives, from strategic planning to accreditation, learning outcomes, program review, and more.
Access the recording now!
John Voloudakis
Chief Innovation Officer
Susan English, EdD
Education Consultant
Ad Astra