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Degree Velocity®

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Best Practices
Get key insights and tangible takeaways for higher education stakeholders based on promise program research.

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Resource Tiles (1)

Planning Strategy 
Identify the clear opportunity to rethink long-standing structures that influence student success, retention, and completion.

Obliterating the academic calendar is the easy part

Planning Strategy
Learn how to harness leading indicators to accelerate student success beyond retention and graduation rates.

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Planning Strategy
Learn more from Ad Astra CEO, Tom Shaver, on how to understand completion tracks and college to career pathways.

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In the Community
Hear from Excelencia in Education on ways to accelerate Latino student success in higher education.


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Inside Higher Ed Opinion Piece
Discover five lessons AASCU and Ad Astra provide for improving student success as colleges rebuild after the COVD-19 crisis.

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In the Community
Listen in as our panel discusses their Fall 2020 plans for student success and graduating students, faster.


Resource Tiles (2)

Planning Strategy 
Learn how making adjustments in the scheduling off-season can lead to better student success with an annual schedule.


Leadership and Crisis Management Episode 1
Click play and hear from Glenn McGee, Deputy Provost at the University of New Haven, discuss how to adopt a new mindset around student progress, registration, and advising can help institutions evolve.


Leadership and Crisis Management Episode 2
Listen in to our second episode of Leadership and Crisis Management as Dr. Ricky Tompkins at NorthWest Arkansas Community College shares how they're organizing, communicating, and helping students from a distance.




Impactful Communication

Click play and dive into the three critical areas of impactful communication with Dr. Ricky Tompkins at NorthWest Arkansas Community College; relevance, timeliness, and being personal.

Student Well Being From a Distance
Click play and hear from Susan Leigh, CEO of SLC Higher Education, about the importance of rethinking and redefining current processes, using existing technologies to help students succeed, and the importance of empathy.

Using Analytics to Reconceive Course Scheduling and Planning

Check out how scheduling and planning platforms that apply course demand analytics improve student success.

Bending the Curve
Learn how colleges and universities can rethink the course schedule to graduate more students, faster. Watch now by clicking the play icon above, or save the recording for later by completing the form below!



Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education
Dr. Nathan Grawe examines how recent demographic shifts are likely to affect demand for higher education and explores how colleges and policymakers may respond to meet institutional and national goals. Click the play button on the video, or save it for later by filling out the form below!
Driving Student Success: Holistic Assessment, Placement, and Support
Learn ways to integrate noncognitive assessment data into practical strategies such as holistic course placement, student advising and coaching, and strategic planning.




Scheduling for Successful Outcomes with CUNY
Dive into The City University of New York’s Accelerated Study in Associate Program, a comprehensive program designed to help students earn their associate degree as quickly as possible.


Measuring Success: Standardized Tests and Discrepant Achievement
Explore the value and limitations of standardized tests and their ability to explain and predict student retention in college with two leading experts.




Core Principles To Ensure Student Success in the Time of Coronavirus and Beyond
Dive into the ‘core principles’ with Dr. Christopher M. Mullin and Dr. Alison Kadlec from Strong Start to Finish as they draw special attention to pathways, remediation, and student success. Click the play button on the video, or save it for later by filling out the form below!


The Value of Gathering Student Satisfaction Data
Learn how in an era of accountability and with an emphasis on college completion, successful campuses are using student satisfaction data to drive their student success efforts and strategy development. Click the play button on the video, or save it for later by filling out the form below!

Dive into each theme below to find podcasts, articles and more!

Click the topic icons below to switch to the corresponding resource page.

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